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How to work model-first

LLBLGen Pro supports both Database First and Model First development. This article describes briefly which functionality of the designer is available to you when you want to work Model First as well as how the typical Model First work flow looks like.

Work flow of Model First

The schematic workflow of Model First development looks like the following:

Workflow Model First

Schematic workflow of Model First

The flow of data is from the editors for the Abstract Entity Model towards the RDBMS using the Relational Model Data storage in the project as a stop in between them. This has the advantage that you can keep working on the relational model data through the Abstract Entity Model without the necessity to be connected to the RDBMS.

A couple of processes are used to get from an Abstract Entity Model to a schema definition in an RDBMS: Auto-map Unmapped Entities, Project Validation and Relational Model Data Adjustment and Generate Database Schema Create / Update Scripts. Auto-map Unmapped Entities results in relational model data in the Relational Model Data storage, if new elements have to be created, and mappings between the elements in the Abstract Entity Model and the elements in the Relational Model Data storage. The changes made to the relational model data are exportable as a Create script or Update script. The scripts are then usable to create a new schema or update an existing schema in an RDBMS.

Let's break this down into smaller steps, from creating an entity in the Abstract Entity Model to a Create script for a schema. The following steps use the conventional tools, not Quick Model, however if you want to create the entity using Quick Model, you're free to do so.

  1. Create a project in the LLBLGen Pro designer and choose a target framework
  2. After you have examined and eventually adjusted the Project Settings and have clicked OK, click the New Entity button on the toolbar, or press cntrl-shift-E or select Project -> New -> Entity, to create a new entity definition. Specify a name for the entity in the dialog, e.g. 'Customer', and click OK.
  3. Right-click in Project Explorer the entity you just created and select Edit... from the context menu. The entity is opened in its Entity Editor.
  4. Click the top row in the grid on the Fields tab and specify a name and a type for the first field, e.g. 'Id' and 'int', using the TAB key to move between columns and complete pre-selections in the columns. Press TAB to move the cursor to the Optional column and press cntrl-Enter to add the field.
  5. Press cntrl-shift-F to add a new field, e.g. 'Name' and as type 'string'. Again press cntrl-Enter to add the field
  6. Repeat step 5 a couple of times till you have enough fields in your entity.
  7. Click the Edit... button next to the Identifying Fields text box. In the dialog popping up select the Id field you created in step 4 to mark it as the Identifying Field (the 'pk')
  8. To create relational model data, the designer requires a Relational Model Data storage to place the data in. Right click the 'Relational Model Data' node in the Project Explorer or Catalog Explorer and select Add Relational Model Data Storage for a Database from the context menu. In the dialog, select the database you want to use in your project. Keep in mind that DDL SQL scripts aren't supported on MS Access, so choose a database other than MS Access.
  9. Right-click Entities in the Project Explorer and select Auto-map Unmapped Entities. This will make LLBLGen Pro create a new table in the Relational Model Data storage added in step 8 and mappings between the entity you created in steps 2-6 and the newly created table. A log is shown what actions have been taken for you. To examine the mappings, click the Field Mappings tab of the editor of the entity you created. To quickly find the table created, click the Lookup button next to the Mapping Target on the Field Mappings tab to go to the node of the table in Catalog Explorer.
  10. The designer can't always automatically update the relational model data on the fly when you make a change in the Abstract Entity Model, as not all actions are 1:1 translatable, so to complete the process, you have to Validate and Adjust the Relational Model Data by selecting Project -> Validate and Adjust Relational Model Data or click the Validate and Adjust Relational Model Data button on the toolbar. This action performs a full Project Validation and also adjusts the relational model data based on the entity definition. If you don't receive a validation error, everything is setup properly and the relational model data is adjusted. You should now see a table definition with primary key and fields in the Catalog Explorer.
  11. In Catalog Explorer rename the schema and / or catalog node if you want to have a different name for these in your actual database.
  12. Right click the 'Relational Model Data' node in the Project Explorer or Catalog Explorer and select Generate Database Schema Create Script (DDL SQL) from the context menu. This will bring up the Code Generation Configuration dialog to guide you through the DDL SQL script creation process of exporting a create/update script.
  13. Run the generated script on the relational database you have chosen to work on. Keep in mind that it's likely that you have to manually create the database / schema in the RDBMS as these operations are often not scriptable or require manual input. The script contains, when applicable, code to help you with this.

With Model First you walk every time the steps 2-7 to create entities, relationships and the like, and after that the steps 9-13 to finalize your changes to be usable by generated code.

Tools and functionality available to you for working Model First

The designer contains a lot of functionality, both visible and hidden beneath the surface, which help you work with an Abstract Entity Model using a Model First workflow. The following list of features are mainly used for and designed for working Model First.

Additionally, the rich editing system of the designer for the Abstract Entity Model elements is at your disposal.

Mixing Model First with Database First

It's ok to mix a Model First workflow with a Database First workflow: The LLBLGen Pro designer performs a validation of the project before the refresh process is started and if it detects changed Relational Model Data, you are required to export those changes first and apply them to your schema in your RDBMS. Refreshing the relational model data will then work with up-to-date schema data which matches the relational model data in the Relational Model Data storage in the project. For example you could start with Database First and use Model First to adjust your RDBMS schema after the initial start, instead of using external tools to do so.

LLBLGen Pro Designer v4.2 documentation. ©2002-2015 Solutions Design